Thursday, January 5, 2012

One day away...

Tomorrow is the big day. Reporting to the hospital at 5 am... I'll be taken into surgery around 6. Surprisingly I'm not scared or even nervous... mostly just anxious to get this over with and get back to my normal self. I received an email yesterday from Dr. Allan Stewart out of New York Presby... pretty sweet, he's kinda a big deal. He wished me luck and such. I guess he read my story on

This whole thing has taken on a mind of its own. I feel like I'm just going through the motions while everything goes on around me. My older sister has taken the liberty of getting everything in order for me to stay at her house after the hospital. She also organized a mailing list to send out email updates to anyone who wants them and has offered to pay for everything for my family during my hospital stay (food, gas, parking)... she's incredible to say the least. On top of all that she's planning on sleeping in the waiting room. LOVE HER.

I've been so thankful to have the supportive family and friends that I do. The best part is that none of them are showing me how nervous THEY are, although I know they are (probably more so than I am).

Alright... bring this thing on. I'm ready.

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