Sunday, December 18, 2011

The show must go on...

Sooooooo apparently the aneurysm is 5.1 cm. Found that out on Thursday after the T.E.E... where they tried to shove that camera down my throat while I was wide awake. That was fun. I guess my blood pressure was too low to sedate me. I ended up getting transferred down to the O.R. after two attempts of them making me try to swallow a camera. Ended up being at the hospital for 9 hours :-( All of that after the nurse blew a vein in my right arm trying to start my IV... I look like an abuse victim who is addicted to heroine. Awesome.

After much deliberation and stress, I held a parent meeting after my 5 hour rehearsal today and told them what was going on. Some of my students knew I had a "heart condition" but no details. Through the first public tears I've cried over this, I told them I decided to have the surgery as soon as possible and postpone the show an extra month so I can recover. Of course everyone was extremely understanding but it took every gut in my body to bring myself to break that news. I wish this never happened... but it is what it is. And, as the saying goes, "The show must go on..."

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