Sunday, February 21, 2016

Today is a good day.

My long-distance Swedish friend, and fellow aortic survivor Timo, likes to say "today is a good day." The first time I read the phrase in one of his post cards, the words didn't really sink in. But after a few months, and continuous inspiration from my pal, I started to use the saying myself. At first, I didn't even notice that I had been doing so. But when the pattern became apparent, I wanted to embrace it. Today is a good day, as Timo declares, because today is a day at all. That small and simple statement is often over-looked in today's society. There are so many distractions to begin believing that we are invincible. But, for those of us that have been affected by life altering situations and/or circumstances, we know [sometimes fearfully so] that we are not. Because today is all that we have. And the realization of that thought is where the blessing lies.

So, you can either take this day, and allow it's overwhelming burdens to weigh you down, or you can find the good in it. Personally, I need to stop getting so caught up in the details. I worry and stress unnecessarily because I crave this un-perfectable perfection that doesn't truly exist. What does exist is this very moment, this very breath, this very special moment of existence. It may be un-perfectly perfect, but that is ok.